One of the biggest prints throughout Egypt is undoubtedly the great pirámide of Giza. What Monumento spectacular overlooks Cairo is one of the most celebrated destinos on the entire planet and the only one of the wonders of the Town Septiembre world that is still standing. It is an emblematic Lugar that is on the bucket list verter many travelers around the world, and rightly so. But razón this iconic status, corte there is also the risk of being a little disappointed. After all, can contain a place with such a fantastic reputation possibly be the height of all the hype?
As someone who visited the now the site of the Great Pyramid - and this is both lower companions - two retoma during the last decade, I can Segura or you That The Pyramids of Egypt are anything but disappointing. For me - a student of history - they live up to my expectations and then some. The Place sencilla these three massive enough to estructuras instigate the fear of UN sentiment That no other manmade Destinos can compare.
The size and boldness of the pyramids are enough to make them Worthy of the status of "amazing". After all, the del believes that Great Pyramid alone consists of over 2.5 million individual stones, each weighing más de 6.000 pounds (2.727 kg). These stones were MANUFACTURED individually to adaptador has overall structure and contribute to ES A most impressive projects undertaken construcción ever. When it was completed in 2560 BC, the Great Pyramid was by far the tallest building on the planet and remained until the construcción of the Eiffel Tower in 1895. This meant París Colgate nearly 4,500 years reigned supreme.
Protesters across the sands surrounding the three pyramids of Giza What can not marvel at the massive undertaking set forth by the Egyptian people better finish the project. The pyramids are as impressive in real life as they are in foto, again and maybe more when you give a better idea of the extent of monuments and the site they occupy. The number of people who worked on the construcción of these tombs dedicated to ancient Pharaohs must have been amazing, as was the fourth esfuerzo they put decades of work just to build these stone buildings massive.

It is also amazing to reflect on the great figures of history who traveled to Egypt to see the pyramids. Over the centuries, kings, presidents, and countless diplomats have walked the sands of Giza just to admire the stunning views. Alexander is among them, is not gone when he conquered the region in 332 BC. Julius Caesar would nearly 400 years later. Others who have spent time in the shadow of these amazing monuments include Napoleon Bonaparte, Mark Twain, and Florence Nightengale. The pyramids have seen the story come and go, however, remain a part of it to date.
Of course, no visit to Egypt is complete without stopping to honor the Giza pyramids. This is probably the most "touristy" thing you can do here, but it is also one of the most important. Fortunately, the site is easily accessible and worth the effort. It is one of the few monuments that lives up to its status and offers more than you expect.
After seeing the pyramids, both before and after the Arab Spring, I can say that this is the perfect time to go. While the crowds are small, they are not too large and is easy to approach these stone structures without crowds of visitors on their way. In fact, my recent visit proved incredibly nice.
Tourism is on the rise again in Egypt, and soon things will return to normal in the number of people who come to visit. If you think this is a place that you can visit in the future, I invite you to come now. Not only will you find many bargains to travel in the country, but also finds that the most famous sites are far from overcrowded. This has not always been the case in the past, and now is the time to take advantage of this situation.
Other monuments will write about shortly, but the Great Pyramid is the cornerstone of tourism in Egypt and almost worth the trip in itself. If you like history or just to see one of the most amazing structures ever built by man, you owe it to yourself to go.
My current trip is sponsored by G Adventures, and I thank you for having me on your trip to Absolute Egypt. It's been a wild ride so far, and I can not wait!
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